This annual fundraiser generates valuable dollars to support the Fine Arts programs at St. Mary’s Academy and St. Mary’s Central High School and furthers the mission of our schools. This year we are offering 26 days of cash prizes.
Tickets will be available at the St. Mary’s Academy and SMCHS school offices BEGINNING ON FEBRUARY 3, 2025!
The suggested donation for each calendar ticket is $25. We will have THREE $300 early-bird drawings this year.
The first drawing will take place at our Academy Choir Concert on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, so make sure to get your tickets in QUICKLY!
The second big drawing will be at our SMCHS Band Concert on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th.
The third drawing will be at our SMCHS Vocal Jazz & Pops Concert on MONDAY, MARCH 1st.
You do not need to be present to win. There will be one cash prize drawing each weekday from February 24th through March 31st.
All winning numbers are returned for future drawings, so even one ticket can win multiple times. You cannot win if you do not return your ticket stub, and only 2,100 tickets are available! Winners will be contacted and posted in the list below.
$4,000 in total prizes!
4 Days - $50 Prize
9 Days - $100 Prize
7 Days - $150 Prize
1 Day - $200 Prize
1 Day - $250 Prize
3 Days - $300 Prize
1 Day - $500 Prize
(See back of ticket for calendar and prizes by date.)
We ask that you please return your ticket stubs, cash and/or check(s), and any unsold tickets to the Academy or SMCHS school offices as soon as possible. This gives us a chance to sell the calendar tickets to other people who may be interested in participating. Extra tickets are also available at the Mission Advancement Office. Please call (701) 354-1226 with questions.
Your support allows us to both provide high-quality music education in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment and continue our long-standing tradition of excellence in the fine arts. Our schools cannot operate without the contributions of time, talent, and treasure that you, our faithful supporters, make towards Light of Christ Catholic Schools – thank you!